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Measurement Tests

Residential Long-Term Tests   

If the long-term measurement ($160, 3-month test) results are less than 200 Bq/m3, further measurements are not necessary and remedial action is not recommended. Test again after 2 years.



If the long-term measurement results are greater than 200 Bq/m3, then the average annual concentration in the home or building is probably above 200 Bq/m3 and remedial action is recommended.

  • If the radon result is greater than 200 Bq/m3 Health Canada recommends remedial action to reduce the radon level within 2 years. 
  • If the radon level is greater than 600 Bq/m3 then remedial action should be within 1 year.

Tarion Warranty for New Homes - covered by 7 years

If radon is found in a new home with significant amounts, it will be covered by Tarion. The reported defect must be that radon gas is excess of Health Canada`s acceptable level < 200 Bq/m3, in order for it to be covered by Tarion.  

In order for a radon claim to be accepted, the homeowner must provide the following supporting material:

  • Test results identifying average radon levels in basement (finished or unfinished, but not crawl spaces);
  • Identification of test methodology (short-term test: less than 3 months, or long-term test: minimum 3 months as per Health Canada`s Guide for Radon Measurements in Residential Dwellings (Homes), and
  • Test measurements and results from a certified professional by the Canadian National Radon Proficiency Program (C-NRPP), $250.

Many new homeowners will be planning to renovate their basement. Measure radon first, and definitely measure before your 7-year warranty expires.

Buying or Selling a House

Know the radon level.

Selling a house will soon be bombarded by buyers asking if you know your radon level. As a seller you should contact a certified C-NRPP measurement inspector. There are very strict rules to ensure that nobody has tampered the test to lower the radon level. The Continuous Radon Monitor Test will measure and report in hourly increments over two to four days.

Short-term measurements must be made under "closed-building conditions" with twelve hours prior to the initial measurement to stabilize the radon concentration and increase the validity of the annual radon concentration estimate. ($260)   

Prospective Buyers will want to know the radon level. Purchasing a house that is safe for the family will add value to the sale. If the radon level is higher than 200  Bq/m3, then the remedial action to reduce the radon level will cost from $1,500 to $3,000.